Meet Rich

Dr. Richard Kriegbaum sold his first article for publication while in high school. He is the author of a variety of articles and the book Leadership Prayers (Tyndale House, 1998 Link to Amazon book.) He is a speaker and consultant on followership and leadership, strategic planning, systemic change, and board development. He was a teacher or administrator for 37 years, including elementary, secondary, and higher education, with 16 years at Wheaton College (IL) and 17 years at Fresno Pacific University. After a year as Vice President at FPU he served as their 7th president and again later as the 12th, and also as Dean of the School of Business. He was a senior administrator of a faith-based community building organization and the President of United Way of Fresno County. He has been a board member of for-profit, non-profit, and church organizations. A teacher at heart, he has been a presenter or consultant for 170 organizations.

He ran track in high school and at Wheaton College, and he played football for four years of high school and for two weeks in college, at which point he was overcome by a compelling vision of self-preservation, and from then on, he concentrated on running and jumping with the track team. He enjoys reading, laughing, praying, singing (in groups), playing the piano (for his own private enjoyment and worship, not in public), making things, fixing things, growing things, building things (including some large ones at Fresno Pacific), and envisioning how things could be now and will be in heaven. He and his wife Peggi share seven grandchildren, six great grandchildren, and one dog.

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